Monday, October 19, 2009

What's the fuss about?

Scene: Junior and Senior meet up in NC.

Clueless Junior: Hey. Wassup? Not to be seen these days. What’s keeping your hair grey?
Know-it-all Senior: Engi work maga. Just a month away. Gotta justify all those election results.
Junior: That much eh? How does this whole thing work-the engi thing? Whose doing all the work? Most of us first years sitting here are clueless how things are working out the way they do?
Senior: Ah. The perplexed factions of engineer. It’s simple really. The aam bhola bhala junta elect CRs to get classes cancelled and do grunt work for the class. This CR is a wily little man though. He aspires for power. Various facets of election politics come into force and all CRs vote for a man they think is able enough to be the convenor of Engineer. Of course, personal gains may or may not masquerade their judgement. The convenor agreeable to all is thus elected.
Junior: Oh. I see. What about the rest of the guys?
Senior: This convenor guy mindfully elects coordinators. These tech club guys socialize and mingle a lot with others of their ilk. They are very good at that. . They claim to know whose best for what. They end up recommending people who’ve they’ve worked with for the job, mostly club people.
Junior: What do these guys do? These co-ords.
Senior: All these co-ords form the elite engi core, people envied for their fortunes, but peers know it’s no piece of cake. They form further committees for distribution of work, and the pyramid just builds up, layer after layer, very similar to our very own parliament. But it’s a little more disciplined, you see. Every committee then elects a convenor. All these cons report to the engi core.
Junior: So these guys supervise work right? Who’s lifting the benches and rolling the carpet?
Senior: Ah. Now you’ve come to the most important set of people. Juniors – volunteers, who are made to believe they are tiny idiots, but end up doing major chunk of the grunt work. They do it for free food coupons and end up checking out some chicks from Manipal. But these are the guys running around. Plus they get a chance to get a glance of the real deal, get to know their seniors and how things work, and very importantly how not things work.
Junior: Oh. Nice. Oh. So these clubs have a major role to play in all this?
Senior: Without a doubt. You barely find guys working for engi not in any tech club.
Junior: What sort of work is done in these committees?
Senior: Hospitality guys look after guests. Lucky ones get to stay in the Guest house. That’s the real deal. Office is where all the registrations happen, where the pretty girls sit at the events desk. All Dept. committees, technites, techspeak various other committees do what their roles are.
Junior: That’s a lot of people. If so many guys are organizing, who’s participating?
Senior: It’s the enthu brainy guys who participate in robotics kind of events. The good people end up with their Wallets and Resumes updated. Then there are several mindless fun events too which don’t expect lot of tech expertise. Lucky ones do manage to win quite a lump sum, and end up spending more than what they’ve earned on gluttonous jobless duds sitting back in the hostels. And you’ll always find people from local colleges and IITs seeking to stamp their superiority. Its healthy competition.
Junior: Nice. So this whole thing is for and by the students. Neat.
Senior: Yes. It sure is. But half the college goes home for engi, view it as a time when probability for a surprise quiz is the least and buzz off. Some of them take it as a chance to spend their time in other worlds, if you know what I mean. It’s a crazy time. It gives a chance to pursue whatever shit you’re interested in, unwind and have fun basically while you learn, that’s if you want to.
Junior: K. Just for curiosity. Which is the most sort after committee?
Senior: It depends on your interests maga. Nevertheless its Technites or Office; where the who’s who are, the flashy bunch. But it’s nothing like it sounds, or…. maybe it is. Nevertheless, you do what you think is best suited for you, something in which you think you can learn.
Junior: What committee you in?
Senior: Press. That’s where you end up asking whose who and you get a free rein to trip on anyone and anything, being able to go around from event to event looking important and purposeful, and coming off as incredibly witty and intelligent at the end of it all.
Senior: I forgot a very important aspect of engi, the follow-up treats, innumerable in number. Sometimes you don’t even realize who’s treating you. You just revel in the celebrations.
Junior: Good one. Anyway, so you think you can jug me into any committee?
Senior: errr... err... Gotta go. See ya.

Engineer Trivia:
National Sport of Engi – Mafia
And the award goes to…. The best con of engi for the last 6 yrs is the ISTE con
On the night Engi gets over, a mega all-con treat is witnessed in GB, the more fancied GB that is.
Hospitality committee work starts at early 5 in the morning or late 5 in the night, whichever way you see it.
Engineer is only one of the 2 times girls are seen at 12 in the night.

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When things are the most exciting, someone takes up a pen and takes note.For all events in history worth visiting again, there was a chronicler in place, bent upon capturing that moment, the spirit, the awe and that enormity of result in ink or in frame.
Unsurprisingly, the world's most covered event has been world war II.Apart from news agents and propaganda ministers, the war was a painful instruction to the generations that followed, that war doesnt determine who is right.Only who is left.
I am not some hitler supporting, nazi-loving freak.What i am saying is when people are getting killed and races decimated, there is no answer to be found there.Peace is but a necessary condition for solutions.
I am digressing. All i really meant to say is, We should really make an attempt to make this class space a more populated area.We should pen down the most happening moments of class and beyond.
Like a birthday, a going out story, a trip , something...
I cannot hope to be viewed with anything but confusion given the class temperature so close to engineer and endsems, however, i also do not want to write about the most important moments of class for me...The roll-call for attendance!