Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Teeming masses

There are two ways of writing a post.One is when you sit and think and let your ideas flow, with a lot of backspaces and swearwords punctuating.That is called blogging.Other is you don't think and let your mind drift; set it free and wonder as it asks questions that astound you, amaze you, embarrass you or just plain ignore you.When you know you are in no state of mind to think, i suggest you don't think about posting.close your eyes and let it type...That is musing.

Bangalore, sometime in the middle of the summer:i am standing.and i see this tree.it has its branches swaying in the wind.It (the tree) is fulfilling its purpose as a flower bearing tree.the branch however is growing towards the adjacent house.Why?
why is the branch so desperately trying to curtail its life by venturing into no-go territory when it should, ideally move upwards towards sunlight which is but a few degrees away?
It is like asking a fish why it ventures out of its shoal when it knows(?) that itll be eaten by encircling predators.It is a certain thing.As certain as the conviction of the predator that given enough patience and alertness, it will get food.
the fish and the branch, are victims of teaming up.
someone has to take the axe.someone has to be the sacrificial lamb.That someone wouldn't be anyone without the same team,which eventually requires a sacrifice,for the 'greater good', in order for it to exist.
i wonder if every single fish in a shoal has its day.if, as fingerlings are born,the older ones are pushed towards the edge,to perish,for the team.
i wonder if apart from teaming up, the life of a fish is meant to end in the jaws of the predator.just as the branch is meant to be cut,just so it can grow long enough to grant stability to the flower-bearing tree.
i wonder if a fish would live longer in solitude.or does it need the shoal like the branch needs the tree?
What is a team?When is a team predatory on its members?When is a member indispensable?
when is the team more important than its members?Now that i come to think of it...does any company exist for its employees?does any idea,any thought,any business plan work to benefit the creator, the participant?Does a machine care for its cogs?Do human entrepreneurship enterprises care for anything other than profit?If yes, can an employee really believe to be benefitted from the company's policies?On an individual level, is the designer of a machine sure it won't replace him?Are human ideological creations intelligent?Do creations work in an unfathomable way to benefit us?or is that a fantasy we like to believe because we want to go beyond utilitarianism?Is Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' a myth?Is this post psychotic or what?i cannot answer now.can you?

1 comment:

  1. There is no team.Every fish for itself.Every man for himself.
